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Infant Program

We are licensed for 12 spaces, aged 3 to 24 months. Each child has a primary caregiver who develops a trusting and loving relationship by bonding with individual infants. We recognize that each child is unique and has their own schedule based on their individual needs. The activities for infants and toddlers are offered based on children’s developmental level. Children at this age experience their world mainly though their senses. Our teachers offer activities with lots of singing with fingerplay, and dancing, rhymes and book reading with props, sensory play, painting, age-appropriate physical movement etc.  From early stage, children learn how to socialize with their peers and sharing and turn taking skills. Our trained staff use and teach them sign language to express their basic needs. Our parents receive a daily report about their child and this report is also used as a method of communication between staff and families.

Preschool Program

We are licensed for 68 spaces, aged 2 to 6 years.

The learning environment in each room is set up according to children’s developmental level so they are encouraged to explore by themselves. We stimulate and enhance children’s learning through a variety of activities, such as:  art and craft, science, music, story reading and telling, social interaction/imaginary play with peers, fine and gross motor play, preliteracy and numeracy skills. They also gain knowledge on safety and health issues. Our experienced staff guide our children how to problem solve and develop conflict resolution skills with others.

For our older preschool children, we offer GET SET – The School Readiness Program (4 - 5-year-olds)

Planned and implemented by our trained staff, this program focuses on preparing children for kindergarten through more structured activities. These include: recognition and writing of numbers and letters, counting, sorting, simple additions and subtractions. The children also learn problem solving / /critical thinking skills.

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